Applications > Mixing Systems
Mixing systems
Retrofit of 4 mixing lines
In Berlin four mixing lines were modernised. The old S5 PLCs were exchanged by new S7 PLCs. For the visualisation we used WinCC by Siemens. All mixing lines and the status of the aggregates can be observed and controlled via the control room. Every single aggregate is equipped with a manual/automatic switch for service purposes. This puts the operator in a position to test and diagnose every individual aggregate.
All four mixing lines receive their datas from the NST central recipe management. You can edit recipes and plan jobs/batches on different workstations in the company. Thus, no one of the production staff has to deal with these issues. The different mixing lines are also equipped with a Simatic Touch Panel only to activate the planned jobs and batches. The entire recipe consisting of the mixing recipe, the balance recipe including all dosing parameters is transfered to the corresponding PLC and released to production.
All mixers are equipped with DC motors. The corresponding DC converters have been optimized during commissioning. Furthermore, all the electronic balances were exchanged by Siwarex U modules . These measures led to higher productivity of the plants and improved the finished product.